Skip to 0 minutes and 6 seconds Hi! I’m Ian Witten from the beautiful University of Waikato in New Zealand, and I’d like to tell you about our new online course More Data Mining with Weka. It’s an advanced version of Data Mining with Weka, and if you liked that, you’ll love the new course. It’s the same format, the same software, the same learning by doing. The aim is the same, as well, to enable you to use advanced techniques of data mining to process your own data and understand what you’re doing.
Skip to 0 minutes and 38 seconds You don’t need to have actually completed the old course in order to embark on the new one, but we won’t be covering things again, so you will need to know something about data mining and the Weka machine learning workbench. The course has short, 5-10 minute video lessons. Slides and captions are available, as well. As before, Weka will be a laboratory for you to learn the practice and the principles of advanced data mining. Each lesson is followed by a carefully designed activity that reinforces what you learned in the lesson. You’re going to do most of your learning actually doing the activities. You won’t learn by listening to me talking or watching me do things, you’ll learn by doing stuff yourself.
Skip to 1 minute and 21 seconds More Data Mining with Weka, coming soon to a computer near you! Hope to see you there!