Skip to 0 minutes and 7 seconds Hello, Everyone! My name is Shawn Chen. I’m the chairman and associate professor of clinical pharmacy department. Today, I’m pleased to introduce you our new
Skip to 0 minutes and 18 seconds course in clinical pharmacy: How to be a super clinical pharmacy perceptor. To be a good mentor, we can respectively recite how we grew up. First, we start to know the principles. Then, we knows the background. And then, our mentors show us how to perform these clinical tasks. Finally, we do them by ourself. Through this process, knowledge becomes skills, and skills become our abilities. In this series of lectures, we hope to foster our students with their clinical abilities and skills, and also the best usage of the knowledge they earned from the school. In this course, we invite two important clinical faculties to share their experience with us. I would like to use Dr. Brown’s figure to illustrate our goals for students.
Skip to 1 minute and 24 seconds We hope to build our students professional abilities in three different dimensions. Professional compatibility is the integrated competence from knowledge, skills and clinical judgment. The second one is the interpersonal compatibility, which means communication and people skill. The last dimension is even more important. Through our professional life, personal reliability, it is a character of honesty, integrity and responsibility. In this course we hope to help pharmacists in clinical path to become excellent receptors. This course records TMU’s efforts on develop the same methodology for our preceptors across TMU hospitals. We hope these experiences can benefit even more to all clinical pharmacists precepting students in their career life.