Skip to 0 minutes and 6 seconds MARCUS O’DONNELL: Money, terrorism, identity theft, climate change, these are some of the things that keep people awake at night according to a recent UK survey. Another survey from the American Psychological Association found that more than a third of American workers experienced chronic work-related stress. And one in four Canadians say they’ve left their job due to stress. These statistics are no big surprise. We all feel stress and anxiety. But we also know remarkable people who seem to thrive no matter what life throws at them. What’s the secret to being so resilient? I’m Marcus O’Donnell from Deakin University. And in this free, two-week course, we’ll explore how we can all become more resilient, investigate how resilience contributes to career success.
Skip to 0 minutes and 59 seconds We’ll discover the role networks and relationships play in building resilience. Most importantly, you’ll produce your own resilience plan. There’s no big secret to resilience. It’s a set of practises. And it’s something we’ll learn to build together. Resilience is something we all need in our everyday lives. It’s not the prerogative of special people. So I really hope you’ll join me in this course about building professional resilience.