Skip to 0 minutes and 13 seconds Universities have always played an important role in society, helping to shape our world and build brighter futures. But for those outside the academic community, those benefits haven’t always been obvious. Perhaps this is because researchers across all disciplines haven’t shouted quite loudly enough about the benefits that their work does bring, but that is changing. Researchers are now looking outside their university walls to build productive relationships across government, business, and a wide range of third-sector agencies. The term research impact describes this collaborative process, creating real-life benefits for others. But researchers often find that they can lack the tools and confidence needed to fully engage with this impact agenda.
Skip to 1 minute and 0 seconds This free, online course has been designed with input from a range of experts across the business, academic, and public sectors. It aims to demystify the term research impact by providing you with a comprehensive set of tools to support impact-driven research and co-creation. We’ll introduce you to the key features of the research impact process, from uncovering the wider potential of your data to identifying partners and building collaborative relationships that help all parties involved. You’ll also hear directly from stakeholders and experts, from industry funding agencies, and NGOs about what motivates them to engage with academics.
Skip to 1 minute and 40 seconds We’ve also designed course activities to help you build the skills and confidence you need, and you’ll have the chance to engage with other learners to share your insights and experiences along the way. By the end of this course, you should have the confidence and skills to articulate your impact vision and strategy. Impact is a constantly evolving journey for researchers. We hope you’ll join us in taking the first steps towards ensuring that your work will truly make a difference.