Skip to 0 minutes and 15 seconds Can you guess the name of the country portrayed in this picture? Yes, this is South Korea right after the Korean War in 1950’s. What a poor country.
Skip to 0 minutes and 27 seconds As you can easily imagine, there were lots of, lots of social problems at that time: poverty, disease, homeless, educational gap, and so on. However, that poor country somehow became a very successful economy, addressing those social problems pretty well. In so doing, ODA (Official Development Assistance) from foreign countries played an important role in the growth of Korean economy. One interesting observation is that South Korea is the only case in the history in which an ODA recipient countries becomes a donor country.
Skip to 1 minute and 15 seconds How could it be?
Skip to 1 minute and 22 seconds Hello everyone. 안녕하세요? My name is Hyun Shin, and I teach social innovation and impact business at Hanyang University. I am very excited to meet you all who are interested in learning social innovation movement in South Korea.
Skip to 1 minute and 39 seconds South Korea, which was poor, now becomes a rich country with the help from other countries. And Koreans, especially young people, want to pay back for what they have received in the past. Accordingly, they pay lots of attention to SDGs, sustainable development goals, proposed by UN, so that they can contribute to solving social problems across nations. Therefore, it might be interesting to share what South Korea has learned during the development process, and what young Koreans are doing in order to help other countries in need. This course consists of little bit of lectures, some reading assignments, and most importantly, lively interviews with social entrepreneurs in South Korea.
Skip to 2 minutes and 30 seconds Through this course learners will acquire basic understanding of social innovation, and foster strong motivation to help others by using their knowledge and expertise. I suggest you to take what you have learned from this course and act upon it. And I’m looking forward to meeting you all one day and share what we shall have practiced. I Hope you enjoy this course. Thank you. 감사합니다.