Skip to 0 minutes and 17 seconds There’s now a wealth of digital technology available to support people with autism and intellectual or learning disability. But as a practitioner or parent of a child with autism and intellectual disability, how do you choose which are the best and most well suited of these technologies to support your child? What capabilities will your child need to get the best out of them? And what benefits can you expect to see? In this short, free online course, an international team of experts in autism, intellectual disability and technology assembled from Universities of Valencia, Necmettin Erbakan and Bath, will help you answer these questions. We’ve developed a wide variety of accessible resources, including films, articles, apps and activities designed to meet your particular needs.
Skip to 1 minute and 5 seconds From a clear understanding of the basic concepts through to a detailed exploration of more complex issues and technologies, the choice is yours. Alongside a wide range of discussions and presentations, both embedded in the course and in online interactions with other learners, we’ll focus on the new SMART-ASD mobile app, a free tool for Android and iPad tablets, and show you how you can use it to assess your child’s capabilities and strengths. We’ll share good practice based on cutting edge research, and also consider various hardware and software solutions, while looking at some of the challenges that digital technologies can present. Our team has worked together to deliver a course which is informative, accessible and fun.
Skip to 1 minute and 49 seconds So join us for four weeks of thought provoking and engaging discussions and activities designed to expand your knowledge and to further enhance the support you provide.