Expand your understanding of the main concepts, challenges, and themes surrounding public health promotion.
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Tackling Public Health Issues: Concepts and Evidence
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Discover how public health promotion can lead to improved population health
Public Health is a complex and dynamic field that focuses on improving population health through addressing the conditions that produce poor health and health inequalities.
This four-week course from the University of Liverpool will introduce key themes in public health, as well as public health promotion models. On completing the course, you’ll have a holistic understanding of the aims and challenges associated with promoting public health.
Explore the impact of economic and social inequalities on population health
The health of a population does not exist in isolation but is informed by social, economic, and political factors. These factors can influence living conditions and access to quality medical care and health education.
You’ll examine the role of social determinants of health and inequalities of living conditions to assess their impact on population health and understand how to address them.
Learn about evidence-based approaches to improve community health and wellbeing
Public Health initiatives affect people across the globe, bringing together research, enquiry, and action to address broad and challenging issues.
On this course, you’ll learn what is considered as evidence in public health and identify the processes involved in evidence-based public health and decision making.
Examine ethical considerations in public health with the University of Liverpool
Professionals working in public health handle sensitive data which is used to make decisions regarding public health initiatives and campaigns.
With the guidance of the experts at the University of Liverpool, you’ll learn about the ethical considerations of data handling and public health policy in order to understand how to operate with care and responsibility when promoting public health.
Week 1
Introduction to public health and models of health
An introduction to Week 1 of Tackling Public Health Issues: Concepts and Evidence.
History of public health
In this activity, we consider what we mean by public health, explore the public health history of Britain, and focus on one of the leading cities in the public health movement - Liverpool.
Definitions of public health
In this activity, we look at the changing definitions of public health. We also examine two broad ways of thinking about health, the medical model of health and the social model of health.
Public health in action
In this activity, we look at how public health is delivered within three core domains and six levels of public health action.
We conclude Week 1 with a discussion, summary and look ahead to Week 2.
Week 2
Social determinants of health and health inequalities
An introduction to Week 2 of Tackling Public Health Issues: Concepts and Evidence.
Lifestyle approaches to public health
In this activity, we explore what is meant by lifestyle approaches to public health, and what determines the health of a population.
Health and social inequalities
In this activity, we explore the different ways in which health and social inequalities present themselves.
Social determinants of health
In this activity, we will explore the social determinants of health that can enable individuals and societies to flourish.
We conclude Week 2 with a quick knowledge recap, a case study and a summary, before looking ahead to Week 3.
Week 3
Evidence in public health policy and practice
An introduction to Week 3 of Tackling Public Health Issues: Concepts and Evidence.
Evidence-based public health
In this activity, we clarify what evidence is and why it is so important in a public health context.
Types of evidence
In this activity, we consider in more detail the different types of evidence that are of interest in public health.
Reasons for not using research evidence
In this activity, we will explore some reasons for not using research evidence.
We conclude Week 3 with a summary, and look ahead to what's to come in Week 4.
Week 4
Ethical considerations in public health research
An introduction to Week 4, the final week of Tackling Public Health Issues: Concepts and Evidence.
Ethical considerations and research standards
In this activity, we consider the Tuskegee Experiment and how this relates to ethical considerations when conducting research. We also explore why the Nuremberg trials were important in defining ethical research standards.
Informed consent, anonymity and confidentiality
In the previous activity, we discuss the historical lens in which several injustices were done on human participants of research within the space of public health. In this activity, we discuss how we address these.
We conclude Week 4 and wrap-up the course with a summary, and pointers for taking the next steps in studying public health with the University of Liverpool.
Learning on this course
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What will you achieve?
By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...
- Identify the definitions of health and public health
- Gain knowledge of the different models of health
- Demonstrate awareness of the importance of the social determinants of health and social inequalities
- Understand what is considered as evidence in Public Health
- Identify the processes involved in evidence-based public health and evidence-based decision making
- Examine some of the ethical considerations in public health research
Who is the course for?
This course is designed for anyone who may want to pursue a career in public health and would like to develop skills and knowledge through learning.
It will also be suitable for those who wish to understand more about the key topics of public health.
Who will you learn with?
Lecturer in Public Health and Director of Studies for the online MPH programme at the University of Liverpool with a research background in Public Health, Oncology and Evidence Synthesis.
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