Skip to 0 minutes and 11 seconds Welcome to our course on the Modern Judiciary, who our judges are, what they do, and why that matters. My name is James Lee, and I teach law at the Dickson Poon School of Law at King’s College London, and this course is delivered in partnership with King’s College and the Judicial Office. What we’re going to do is learn more about the everyday working lives of our judges and how that bears on everyday members of the public, like you and me. And we’ll do that by reading together real-life decisions from the courts, also speeches, we’ll have interviews with judges themselves. ‘There’s a vast range of jobs open to lawyers.’
Skip to 0 minutes and 46 seconds And we’ll have mini lectures and a variety of other content articles and cases to read. In addition, there’ll be interactive opportunities through quizzes and fora to deepen our understanding together. We look forward to teaching you.