Skip to 0 minutes and 11 seconds our world is sustained by energy. and the most fundamental subject that deals with energy is the Thermodynamics. cars, plant and foods … Thermodynamics is everywhere in our lives. why does the ice in your lemonade melt but cooling down the lemonade. why do the drinks in the fridge become the same temperature with the fridge inside. we see transparent glass windows in buildings every day. this glass is clear now but will become frosted after several thousand years. Do you know why? Thermodynamics gives you the answers. I am Yun Jung Lee. i am a Professor in the Department of Energy Engineering at Hanyang University in Seoul Korea. this course will introduce the basic Thermodynamic principles widely used in many engineering fields.
Skip to 1 minute and 11 seconds energy takes many different forms. it cannot be created or destroyed but it can change its form. ok, Let’s fire this paper. It’s burnt in a moment. can we make the initial paper out of this ash? when we drop the ink into the water what will happen? It diffuses through the water. can we reverse the process and make the initial ink drop again. we cannot reverse it easily. when energy flows if flows in a preferred direction as the water flows downward. There are important Laws of Nature. the Laws of Thermodynamics that govern these behaviors of the energies.
Skip to 1 minute and 55 seconds you will get to know the Laws of Thermodynamics and fundamental physical quantities defined by the Laws of Thermodynamics such as temperature, free energy and entropy that characterize the thermodynamic systems. the usefulness of energy and entropy functions will be demonstrated in discussing the Laws of Thermodynamics. our universe is simply the largest known Thermodynamic system. through this course you will be familiar with the Laws of Thermodynamics that govern the energy of our universe. most of you would think the engineering theory is difficult to understand. this course can help you to be involved easily with every day examples. if like to know more about the behavior of energy of the our world join this course to make a first step.