Skip to 0 minutes and 8 seconds SPEAKER: Ultrasound is a quick and cheap way to make images from the interior of the human body. There is a lot of applications, ranging from monitoring pregnancies to measuring the speed of our blood. Technology for medical application is the key area of research and education at the Department of Technical Medicine at the University of Twente. Medical treatments benefit greatly if you have a good understanding of how modern medical technology truly works. Ultrasound is one of those technologies. In this course, you will learn what ultrasound imaging is. You’ll get a thorough understanding of this technology, and this will allow you to make the best possible image.
Skip to 0 minutes and 51 seconds The course will present three perspectives to you, the medical perspective, the technological perspective, and technical medical perspective. First, we present examples from medical domains like radiology, obstetrics, and physiotherapy. You’ll see their daily experiences with ultrasound and some of the limitations that they encounter. Next we’ll cover the technical background. How can sound be used to make images, and how can a machine like this tell the difference between soft tissue and bone? We will start with very basics, beginning with what sound actually is, and what happens when it is sent into the body. And we will present topics like Doppler, artefacts, three-dimensional ultrasound, and knobology. Finally we will integrate the medical and technological perspective.
Skip to 1 minute and 45 seconds Understanding both medicine and technology can help you to make better images, better diagnoses, and to improve therapies. This is the philosophy of the technical medicine programme at the University of Twente. Here students are prepared for a new profession in Dutch health care, the technical physician. I invite you to join this course. I hope you will be as enthusiastic as we are about this fascinating and exciting technology that is ultrasound.