Skip to 0 minutes and 3 seconds FLORIAN KLONEK: Crisis, whether they be environmental, financial, or even personal, are often unexpected. And when they hit, they are highly disruptive. But effective crisis leadership is not just about handling disasters when they strike.
Skip to 0 minutes and 22 seconds Hi. My name is Florian Klonek. And welcome to Crisis Leadership, an engaging and transformative journey designed to equip you with essential skills to prepare for, deal with, and learn from crisis as a leader and as an organisation. This course is crisis leadership as a comprehensive process that encompasses planning and preparation for crisis, adeptly managing them when they occur, and learning from the experience to emerge even stronger. The six weeks of this course revolve around the core idea that crisis leadership is a process which will help you to become a capable crisis leader. You will practise applying concepts and theories and develop a crisis management plan for your own organisation.
Skip to 1 minute and 5 seconds You will also have the opportunity to self-assess yourself and reflect on the various concepts learned. Week 1 is all about understanding the key foundational concepts. How exactly are we defining crisis? What is crisis leadership? These questions are critically important. And you will start to develop an understanding before embarking on more fine-grained topics in this course. You will analyse real-world case studies to gain insights into exemplary crisis leadership. We will give you plenty of opportunities to engage in discussions and identify the qualities that define effective crisis leaders. As you navigate the course, you will be guided by our expert teaching team, including industry experts who bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table.
Skip to 1 minute and 51 seconds Our lead educators, Adriana Stibral and I, will be your mentors leading you through this educational journey.