Certificate of Achievement

Riaz Hussain

has completed the following course:

Career Skills for the 2020s: Navigating the Online World of Work

Coventry University

On this course, you have assessed your strengths and weaknesses and explored the skills you need to build to progress in work or to seek a new job in the 2020s.

4 weeks, 4 hours per week

Nick Worthington

Managing Director

Coventry University Online


Learning outcomes

  • Discuss key characteristics and requirements of the 2020s workplace, including how digital technology is changing practices at work and in education/training
  • Summarise your work skills and strengths, identify areas that need development, and plan how to address these in order to achieve your career goals
  • Explore how digital communications are designed, e.g. for particular audiences, purposes and effects
  • Interpret and respect the different norms of communicating in different spaces, e.g. professional, social, personal
  • Describe the features of an effective presentation and use this knowledge to design and develop your own presentations
  • Identify key factors that are associated with motivation and engagement at work
  • Demonstrate that you can use the internet to find information and resources to help you make decisions and solve problems based on digital evidence
  • Collaborate actively in discussion forums: post reviews, comments, ‘likes’ etc
  • Identify, choose and use digital learning resources and tools
  • Explore techniques to manage your emotions by strengthening your emotional intelligence (EQ)
  • Assess the term resilience, recognise the skills you can practise to increase your resilience and identify strategies that allow you to adapt to challenging situations


  • Identify your skills, strengths and areas for development
  • Discover what motivates you at work
  • Investigate what employers want
  • Identify your personal objectives for career development
  • Improve your communications skills
  • Practice presenting online and write covering letters
  • Harness the power of teamwork for problem-solving
  • Develop your professional online presence
  • Investigate the benefits of a social media network
  • Create an online CV that you can use for life
  • Explore how to research different organisations and their job roles online

Issued on 9th December 2020

The person named on this certificate has completed the activities in the transcript above. For more information about Certificates of Achievement and the effort required to become eligible, visit futurelearn.com/proof-of-learning/certificate-of-achievement.

This certificate represents proof of learning. It is not a formal qualification, degree, or part of a degree.

Free online course:

Career Skills for the 2020s: Navigating the Online World of Work

Coventry University