Certificate of Achievement

Igbayemi Olawumi Hannah

has completed the following course:

Decision Making: How to Choose the Right Problem to Solve

University of Leeds and Institute of Coding

On this course, you’ve learned how to better solve simple problems and sharpen your decision-making process. You’ve evaluated your existing problem-solving technique and built the skills to improve it. As you've learned what transferable skills are required, you’ve discovered how to identify a problem, how to understand it and how to analyse the associated risks and benefits of various solutions.

2 weeks, 2 hours per week

Kim Plowright

Lead Educator

overall score


Learning outcomes

  • Evaluate personal skills for problem solving
  • Describe how problems exist in wider contexts
  • Develop an idea to approach a real life problem
  • Explore methods to minimise risk and turn ideas into plans
  • Explain the importance of the wider impact when proposing solutions
  • Produce a plan that persuades others your solution will work


  • Explore the types of transferrable skills that are needed to solve problems
  • Look at how to identify the real, underlying problems of a particular situation
  • Introduction to the SWOT analysis as a way of understanding the problem
  • Explore how to identify the best possible solution
  • Explore the benefits and risks of a solution
  • Explore tools to help pitch ideas to others in order to get buy-in
  • Create a business case which will be peer reviewed

Issued on 16th July 2020

The person named on this certificate has completed the activities in the transcript above. For more information about Certificates of Achievement and the effort required to become eligible, visit futurelearn.com/proof-of-learning/certificate-of-achievement.

This certificate represents proof of learning. It is not a formal qualification, degree, or part of a degree.

Free online course:

Decision Making: How to Choose the Right Problem to Solve

University of Leeds