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Certificate of Achievement

Annesha Kar Gupta

has completed the following course:

Managing My Money

The Open University

Managing My Money provides the skills and knowledge needed to achieve effective personal and household financial management. The subjects covered include budgeting, life financial planning, debt, savings and investment management, pensions, insurance and the housing market.

8 weeks, 3 hours per week

Dave Hall

University Secretary

The Open University

overall score


Learning outcomes

  • Report to understand how to undertake financial planning, including drawing up a budget and a household balance sheet.
  • Compare and understand loans and mortgages and other debt products and their cost.
  • Explain the core categories of personal investments, their characteristics and the returns they provide to investors.
  • Describe pension products and how to undertake pension planning.
  • Summarise insurance products and how they are priced.


  • Week 1: Financial planning and the life-course
  • Week 2: Income, taxation and benefits
  • Week 3: Expenditure and budgeting
  • Week 4: Debt and borrowing
  • Week 5: Savings and investments
  • Week 6: Housing and the household balance sheet
  • Week 7: Pensions
  • Week 8: Insurance

Issued on 3rd February 2017

The person named on this certificate has completed the activities in the transcript above. For more information about Certificates of Achievement and the effort required to become eligible, visit

This certificate represents proof of learning. It is not a formal qualification, degree, or part of a degree.

Free online course:

Managing My Money

The Open University