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Certificate of Achievement

Jonathan Hill

has completed the following course:

Philosophy of Technology and Design: Shaping the Relations Between Humans and Technologies

University of Twente

Technologies have made life easier, but also complicated our world. In this course you have learned some key approaches in philosophy of technology and design. The course focused on the relations between humans and technologies. You have learned how philosophy can help us understand the social implications of technologies.

3 weeks, 4 hours per week

Peter-Paul Verbeek

Professor of Philosophy of Technology

University of Twente


Learning outcomes

  • Evaluate some classical thinkers in philosophy of technology.
  • Reflect on the power of technology: are humans still in control?
  • Explore the contemporary philosophical approach of technological mediation.
  • Engage in case studies to get insights in the impact of technology on society and human life.
  • Debate the ethical dimension of technology and apply this to design.
  • Discuss the ethical limits of designing technologies that influence our behaviour.


  • Introduction into some classical thinkers in philosophy of technology.
  • Reflecting on the power of technology and if humans are still in control.
  • Learning about the philosophical approach of technological mediation.
  • Applying the ethical dimension of technology to the design process.

Issued on 11th September 2017

The person named on this certificate has completed the activities in the transcript above. For more information about Certificates of Achievement and the effort required to become eligible, visit

This certificate represents proof of learning. It is not a formal qualification, degree, or part of a degree.

Free online course:

Philosophy of Technology and Design: Shaping the Relations Between Humans and Technologies

University of Twente