Certificate of Achievement

Melissa de Araujo Barbosa

has completed the following course:

Introduction to Korean Philosophy

Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)

This online course explored the basic ideas in Korean philosophy underlying Korean culture, with a focus on its definition, development, and continuity from the past to the present. Further applications of Korean philosophy were also explored to allow for self-learning beyond this course.

4 weeks, 2 hours per week


Professor of Korean Philosophy

Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)

overall score


Learning outcomes

  • Explore the field of Korean philosophy and its development through its continued innovation.
  • Compare Korean philosophy with both Chinese philosophy as well as Western philosophy.
  • Discuss the key ideas in Korean philosophical debates, such as the concepts of moral emotions and everyday feelings.
  • Reflect on the perennial questions with a new worldview through concepts in Korean philosophy.


  • Comparative perspective of Korean philosophy
  • Historical background of Korean philosophy
  • Philosophical reflection on Korean language
  • Main debates in Korean intellectual history

Issued on 3rd August 2020

The person named on this certificate has completed the activities in the transcript above. For more information about Certificates of Achievement and the effort required to become eligible, visit futurelearn.com/proof-of-learning/certificate-of-achievement.

This certificate represents proof of learning. It is not a formal qualification, degree, or part of a degree.

Free online course:

Introduction to Korean Philosophy

Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)