Certificate of Achievement

Vicky Chessman Thompson

has completed the following course:

Psychological First Aid: Supporting Children and Young People

UK Health Security Agency

Psychological First Aid (PFA) training from Public Health England (PHE) equips staff to provide support and recognise children and young people at risk of distress. It follows a globally recommended model for supporting people during emergencies. This course has covered the following core subjects: What is psychological first aid?; How do emergencies impact mental health?; PFA stages: Prepare, Look, Listen; Supporting yourself and your colleagues; Example scenarios.

3 weeks, 1 hour per week

Dr Richard Amlot

Head of Behavioural Science

UK Health Security Agency

overall score


Learning outcomes

  • Explain what psychological first aid is
  • Identify children, young people and families for whom it is suited and how you can help them
  • Describe how children and young people of different ages react to traumatic experiences
  • Identify ways to look after yourself and your peers when working in the context of an emergency
  • Engage with further reading into psychosocial support during emergencies


  • What is Psychological First Aid?
  • How do children and young people respond to emergencies and crisis situations?
  • The PFA stages to supporting people: Prepare, Look, Listen, Link
  • Supporting yourself and your colleagues

The course includes short quizzes to help learners reflect, and prepare them for the final test, based on a scenario to evaluate their knowledge. There are also links to further resources and reading which learners can explore after finishing the course.

Issued on 17th March 2021

The person named on this certificate has completed the activities in the transcript above. For more information about Certificates of Achievement and the effort required to become eligible, visit futurelearn.com/proof-of-learning/certificate-of-achievement.

This certificate represents proof of learning. It is not a formal qualification, degree, or part of a degree.

Free online course:

Psychological First Aid: Supporting Children and Young People

UK Health Security Agency