Skip to 0 minutes and 17 seconds privacy helps us to feel safe and maintain dignity, and people have the right to keep aspects of their lives to themselves. And communication is very important and an integral part of supporting people. So we may choose to use interpreters and certainly people who are unable to communicate with. That’s extremely important. And people have preferred means of communicating. So we can find those out through observation and by asking them. People also usually feel reassured by knowing what’s happening and getting updates, even if there’s no information. I think you’ve probably been in situations like that where I would like an update. Supporting independence and autonomy is also very important.
Skip to 1 minute and 3 seconds People are very, very dependent situations in crisis, dependent on others for support, and the others are often us. Respect involves ensuring that they have choice and control over how their needs wishes and preferences are met and that they remain independent and autonomous in areas where they can.