Skip to 0 minutes and 5 seconds Hi! I’m Ian Witten from the beautiful University of Waikato here in New Zealand, and I want
Skip to 0 minutes and 11 seconds to tell you about our new online course: Advanced Data Mining with Weka. If you liked the other courses–Data Mining with Weka and More Data Mining with Weka–you’ll love this new course. It’s the same format, the same software, the same learning by doing, and the aim is the
Skip to 0 minutes and 26 seconds same, too: to show you how to use powerful techniques of data mining on your own data. One difference is that the lessons in this course are given by different people. In fact, you’ll get to meet pretty well the whole Weka team. This new course is advanced. We’re going to be looking at new kinds of data. We’re going to be looking at time series, for example, where the data evolves over time and your job is to predict the future. Or situations where the characteristic of the source changes slowly over time, like it does in real life, and your job is to track those changes. We’ll look at different ways of working with big data.
Skip to 1 minute and 4 seconds We’re going to introduce you to Weka’s big sister, Moa, which is a stream-oriented data mining system that never stores the data in main memory, so it can operate on effectively infinite streams of data. We’ll also show you how to deploy Weka on a cluster computing environment using the Apache Spark framework, and also the popular Hadoop framework. We’re going to show you how you can reach out to other data mining systems from Weka, for example, the popular R data mining system. You can get at all the algorithms in R. We’ll look at scripting Weka in Python, and you can write little Python scripts right there in the Weka interface. By popular demand, we’ve included some applications. So that’s it.
Skip to 1 minute and 52 seconds Advanced Data Mining with Weka, coming soon to a computer near you. Hope to see you there. Bye for now!