Skip to 0 minutes and 4 seconds you know that precalculus course it covered a lot of material actually numbers and inequalities and equations and algebra and graphs and functions do you think we can stop there, Carlo? definitely not look, we haven’t even talked about basic material like exponential growth, logarithms and so on and trignonetry how could we ignore that?
Skip to 0 minutes and 32 seconds trigonometry I remember my trig teacher in high school he used to hit us on the knuckles with a wooden ruler if we didn’t learn fast enough but I suspect it would be hard to improve this in an on-line course not to mention that probably it is not legal sadly, Alberto, I think you are right well, you know, times change we’ll just have to find a way to make tringonometry fun what does should be put into the course Alberto?
Skip to 1 minute and 2 seconds some geometry of the plane like circles, ellipses, parabolas things that I think are very useful for calculs later on sure, yeah polar coordinates, areas, volumes I guess well in that case I believe we’d better advise to those who are planning to take this second course to have done the previous first that make sense maybe the name of the course could be a hint about that yeah, how about calling it
Skip to 1 minute and 31 seconds precalulcus: the ongoing saga yes, but look maybe a little bit too dramatic, Francis? why not precalculus advanced topics perfetto Carlo, perfetto