Skip to 0 minutes and 2 seconds We know that we’re facing into an ageing demographic. This means that a large proportion of our population is getting older. We also know that a large proportion of our population is suffering from or is at risk of malnutrition. So we really need to design strategies to help to prevent that. Protein malnutrition is an issue and we know that muscle mass declines as people age. Muscle mass is associated with reduced independence, reduced quality of life because people aren’t able to do things as well for themselves. You can only age well if you take care of yourself. If you abandon a good diet, if you don’t take enough exercise, you won’t age well, will you?
Skip to 0 minutes and 47 seconds We’re really hoping that this course will give people the knowledge firstly to understand why it’s really important to become more physically active and why diet can really help as we age. but also it will kind of empower them to make those small changes or to encourage people that they care for to make those changes. They don’t need to be big changes in our lifestyle, it can be small changes day to day that actually can have a big impact in how we age.