Skip to 0 minutes and 10 seconds We’re in the digital age now and so are your learners and trainees. Almost every job now involves using a range of digital skills, whatever the sector. And yet, the government and employers report that young people are coming into the world of work without the skills they need for citizenship, for the economy, and for their own employability. Every time young people go online, they leave a trail of information and data about themselves, especially on social media. Do they want potential future employers to see the identities they create? We’ll help you to give them control over their digital identity. Your learners know how to search for and select information online.
Skip to 0 minutes and 54 seconds Many jobs involve working with digital data, how can you help your learners manage digital information? Employers now expect young people to have experience of creating digital content. This course will give you examples of tools and apps that can help you and your learners to develop digital creation skills. And a lot of jobs now require employees to create digital content collaboratively. This may involve working online with lots of people in different locations and even different time zones. You’ll have the opportunity to see many of the new tools and apps for communicating and collaborating online. The course will give you the knowledge and confidence to help your learners develop these skills.
Skip to 1 minute and 40 seconds We’ll give you resources, practical support, and teaching ideas on how to develop these four digital areas. The course covers a wide range of vocational education settings and all kinds of learners, with a variety of expectations and needs. And being online, it’s very flexible. You’ll be working at your own pace through videos, demonstrating good practise, guided practical activities, and discussion with other participants. And you will be trying out these ideas in your own learning context. We’ve made sure the course is based on the real experience of how digital skills are actually being used by young people at work. We’re asking employers to tell us what they need from your learners. Studying on the course is easy.
Skip to 2 minutes and 26 seconds You can do it in around four hours a week using your computer or mobile device. And what’s more, once you sign up for the course, you can use the resources in your own local professional development, as well as for supporting your learners. So please join us. You’ll discover all kinds of useful ideas about how to prepare your learners to be the most effective in the modern digital workplace.