Skip to 0 minutes and 6 seconds Why is there such interest now in using learning technologies? Well, this course will explain that, whatever your role in vocational education and training. The course is about blended learning, which means using the most appropriate learning technologies alongside our usual teaching methods. We’ll be giving you practical support and advice on making the best use of technology for your learners. To help you answer questions such as, which technology should I use in my context, and does learning technology really help to improve learners’ success? I believe it gives teachers the tools that they need to develop their digital technological skills. It gives them the opportunity to be ahead of their learners and engage them more in their lessons.
Skip to 0 minutes and 50 seconds In this digital age, it’s very important that we’ve got the ability to facilitate and deliver a message across a variety of media. And by doing this course, this will help us achieve that end. The course runs online. And it’s free and open to anyone. So it’s very easy to access at any time. It’s been designed especially for professionals in the vocational education and training sector. So it covers a wide range of educational settings, and all kinds of learners with a variety of expectations and needs. The whole point of using digital technology is to improve your learners’ success. It can be motivating, so it keeps them focused. It can support their independent learning when the teacher or trainer isn’t there.
Skip to 1 minute and 35 seconds And being online, it’s very flexible. So whether you’re a complete beginner, occasional dabbler, or expert user of learning technologies, this course has something to offer you. You’ll gain knowledge and skills through videos of good practise, guided practical activities, discussion with other participants, and through trying out how it works in your own learning context. Digital technologies are improving teaching and learning for students by expanding the classroom, so that students can learn whenever, wherever they want to, basically 24/7. We’ve brought together some of the leading academics and practitioners in the vocational education and training sector. So we make sure it’s based on the real experience of making technology work.
Skip to 2 minutes and 22 seconds And we’ve built this innovative course around the key challenges currently facing teachers, tutors, and trainers in the sector. Studying the course is easy. You can do it in around three hours a week using your computer or mobile device. And what’s more, once you sign up for the course, you’ll have permanent access to the resources and activities. And then you can use them in your own local professional development, as well as for supporting your learners. Please join us and discover the essentials of what it takes to make the best use of blended learning.