Skip to 0 minutes and 18 seconds “Neurodegenerative disease” is a generic term that covers a range of conditions which affect various components of the nervous system. This group of diseases is incurable and debilitating and causes degeneration progressive or death of the neurons. This causes, depending on the area affected, various problems with movement or the appearance of neurological symptoms that in some cases lead to the emergence of dementia.
Skip to 0 minutes and 48 seconds You have probably heard these terms before: dementia, ataxia, spasticity… but Do you know exactly what they are, what they indicate? Why are they produced? These are some of the the aspects that we will deal with during the course.
Skip to 1 minute and 4 seconds Hi, I’m Eva de Lago, coordinator of the course, “Ageing and The Brain: the Impact of Neurodegenerative Diseases”. This course is taught by a group of teachers and researchers from the Complutense University of Madrid whose main area of research is is Neuroscience. Due to the rise of this type of disease in recent years, as defined by some researchers and the new epidemic of the 21st century, we believe it is important to put a course with which we can bring knowledge of this type of pathology, teach how to distinguish between them and respond to them he questions related to the pathologies and new treatments.
Skip to 1 minute and 46 seconds Moreover, as it is a subject of great interest both for students from various areas such as the general public we have designed the course so that anyone with an interest in this area can easily follow without the need for prior knowledge.
Skip to 2 minutes and 8 seconds The course is organized in 5 weeks, and we will start by reinforcing certain basic concepts necessary to be able to address the study of neurodegenerative diseases. Thus, in the first two weeks you will be able to learn how the nervous system is formed.
Skip to 2 minutes and 31 seconds Once this minimum level of knowledge has been reached, together we can learn the causes, origin, symptoms and possible treatments available for major neurodegenerative diseases, In particular in the third and fourth week we will study the two diseases with the greatest
Skip to 2 minutes and 49 seconds current incidence: Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, ending in the fifth week with two pathologies that were are often confusing and for this reason we have preferred
Skip to 3 minutes and 1 second see them together: lateral sclerosis amyotrophic and multiple sclerosis. As indicated above, diseases neurodegenerative diseases are a group of diseases incurable at the moment, but where numerous researchers from all over the world we are providing a large number of resources in the search for new treatments that help slow the progression of the disease. However, as you will understand in the development of the course, this is a complex task full of challenges and unknowns that will need be resolved in the coming years. Thus, from the Complutense University of Madrid, we encourage you to join us in this course and in this way you will be able to have a fuller picture of diseases neurodegenerative diseases and the challenge they represent.