Skip to 0 minutes and 7 seconds The FIFA World Cup has become internationally prestigious, and has now taken on a level of scholarly significance. Together on this fascinating course, we will study the historic development of the FIFA World Cup as a business entity, while recognising the broader cultural, political, economic and social context to the event. The development of the World Cup tournament has been remarkable, supported by a system of increasingly powerful monopolies. These monopolies have worked with forces of global political and economic change to shape the evolution of the FIFA World Cup. From the very first iterations of the tournament through to its most recent staging, this course will highlight key events, patterns and trends in the business and management of the World Cup.
Skip to 0 minutes and 58 seconds We’ll look at the early history of the tournament, through to the more recent themes of the introduction of sponsorship, broadcasting and other media developments as the World Cup has become a global sporting mega-event. You will also explore the proliferation of other tournaments using the FIFA World Cup identity.