Skip to 0 minutes and 8 seconds Stephen Whitfield: Malnutrition affects approximately 20% of the African population. And this is a challenge that’s been exacerbated by the impacts of climate change. Agriculture and food systems are critical. They must adapt to increase the availability and accessibility of nutritious food for a growing population, become resilient to climate change, contribute to alleviating poverty, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, prevent land degradation, and more. This course introduces you to the AFRICAP Research Program, which explores ways to make agriculture and food systems in Sub-Saharan Africa more productive, sustainable, and resilient to climate change. You’ll investigate methods to help predict the impact of climate change on food systems and evaluate how communities, policymakers, and donors can respond to these impacts.
Skip to 1 minute and 5 seconds By the end of this course, you’ll be able to critically assess options for building climate resilience and food systems in your own country. If you’re interested in the effects of climate change and building resilience in agriculture and food systems, we look forward to welcoming you to this course.