Skip to 0 minutes and 7 seconds Leaders have always needed intelligence. IQ helps you to handle facts and analyse problems, but it doesn’t help you to manage people. So then came Emotional Intelligence. EQ helps you to understand people, but often, only people who are like you. In the modern world, successful leaders also need to work with people who are not like them; people from different backgrounds, sectors, geographies, and generations. Modern leaders need Cultural Intelligence, CQ.
Skip to 0 minutes and 52 seconds Common Purpose has drawn on over 25 years of experience to develop this free online course. Over four weeks, on an interactive platform, you’ll learn with people from all over the world. You’ll hear personal stories from leaders who’ve developed their own Cultural Intelligence, which has helped them get where they are today. If you have CQ as a leader, you can get a lot more fresh ideas from your teams. If you want to have an impact in the world around you, you need CQ. This course is essential for anyone who wants to be successful in the work place today. Discover a modern leadership skill. Developing Cultural Intelligence for Leadership. Join now.