Skip to 0 minutes and 6 seconds Hello, and a warm welcome to this course on netting a job with a digital CV. My name is Willie McGuire and I’m also known as a lead educator on this course. And together with Rille Raaper and Viktoria Nikolova, the other educators, we’ll help you to create a 21st century CV that’ll help you to net that dream job. Creating a CV is a personal thing. It’s partly a story of your past that employers use to decide if you have a future with them. When we begin a course, we’re entering new territory, and a guide is always helpful for that.
Skip to 0 minutes and 42 seconds So I’m going to give you an overview of two main things– your experiences and the key outcome of the course at the end of the third week. The main outcome from this course is that you’ll be able to improve your existing CV not only by making more digital, but also through being more aware of what makes a good CV and what makes a bad one. What’s unique about our course? Well, you have to put yourself in the position of the employer. And you have to determine how digital you want your CV to be, to match the job for what you applied.
Skip to 1 minute and 19 seconds Now, we’ll support you to achieve the key outcome as this free online course allows you to connect with huge, even massive, numbers of people who are all bursting with ideas, ideas that you can use to help you. As well as making use of the skills of other course members and using exciting ways of getting you think yourself into a job, we’ll also be encouraging you to be creative by experiencing new models of CV using video, LinkedIn, and QR codes. What’s QR code? Well, sign up for week 1 and find out. We can’t wait to start working with you.