Skip to 0 minutes and 9 seconds Chemistry plays a vital role in the development of everyday consumer products. From cleaning agents to the material in our clothing, our lives are affected daily by the results of chemistry research. In week one, Dr. Bruce Turnbull helps you examine how the molecular structure of biomaterials, such as cotton and silk, has led to the development of bio-inspired manmade fibres. Explore how research has progressed over the past century, and find out about exciting biological developments which are inspiring the materials of the future. In week two, Professor Chris Raynor considers the science and ethics behind consumer chemical products, like toiletries and detergents.
Skip to 0 minutes and 57 seconds Explore how the future developments of consumer products offer scope for innovation, and discover the role that chemists play in assessing the risks and the benefits of developing these types of products. As part of the Discovering Science programme, this course will demonstrate how science is communicated and will further develop your science writing skills, helping you reach a wider audience. Sign up now for Discovering Science.