Skip to 0 minutes and 11 seconds Hi Roberta, sorry I am late Don’t worry! But you seem shaken what happened? Yes, I am shaken. When I was in the bathroom, and there was a girl by the wall. She was very confused and I was afraid because I wasn’t able to help her. Fortunately, few seconds later a friend of hers arrived and explained to me that she had just had an absence seizure and the confusion was because of it. I think that I know that girl. Maybe she is Alice. Years ago, she was diagnosed with epilepsy and she shows some cognitive difficulties like memory and talking problems. She is often lost and she also complains about her lack of autonomy and her parents worrying.
Skip to 0 minutes and 44 seconds She is not even able to drive! I can’t imagine how difficult it is to learn at school for her. We should always remember that disabilities are not always visible. You are right. I think that everyone should know something about epilepsy and all its consequences, even the cognitive ones. It’s important to also know what it is good to do during a seizure to help the person who is having it. What about following an online course about epilepsy to get prepared? I’m going to present a course on Epilepsy and neuropsychology. This course covers three weeks.
Skip to 1 minute and 23 seconds In the first week I’m going to present the concept of epilepsy and types of seizures The second week will focus on the role of the brain and the specific classification of types of epileptic syndromes. And In the third week I will talk about epilepsy from a psychosocial perspective. I hope you will find this course fruitful and enjoyable