Skip to 0 minutes and 10 seconds As we know, cities around the world are facing unprecedented challenges relating to inequality and climate change. One thing is clear– we need to challenge ourselves and how our cities operate if we’re to find solutions to the urban crisis. So the aim of this course is to address that core question– how can we make our cities fairer, more sustainable, and inclusive? Each initiative must be scrutinised and tested for fairness and accountability. So in this course, you have a unique opportunity to learn how to develop such solutions, joining with people from other cities, learning together by understanding each other’s perspectives.
Skip to 0 minutes and 46 seconds So with ideas drawn from our book on ethical cities, we’ll ensure the course is grounded in independent research and connections with industry, government, and community groups. However, at the end of the day, it’s you that will make this course come alive. So be ready to reflect on your own life work and study experiments while our educators bring their research and expertise to the topic of ethical cities and sustainability.