Skip to 0 minutes and 10 seconds Hello my name is Nick Fox I direct the Dementia Research Centre at UCL’s Institute of Neurology here at Queen Square in London. I’d like to talk to you about dementia. Dementia is the most pressing social and health problem of our time, has devastating consequences for the individual for their families and for society. Dementia is an umbrella term for a number of diseases that cause a progressive loss of thinking skills. Alzheimer’s disease is by far the most common cause but there are many less well-known forms of dementia which affect thousands or millions of people but they’re often under recognised. So how can we better understand dementia, how can we provide the support the care and the treatments that are desperately needed?
Skip to 0 minutes and 47 seconds On this four-week course you’ll learn about dementia from a new perspective with world leading experts sharing their knowledge and importantly patients and carers sharing their candid personal accounts to demonstrate the symptoms and understand the challenges of living with these four less common forms of dementia. These are familial Alzheimer’s disease behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia, dementia with Lewy bodies and posterior cortical atrophy. Research into these forms of dementia has the power to help those affected and their families and as we’ll show it can also provide unique insights into dementia in general. For example we’ll talk to professors Martin Rossor and John Hardy who carried out prize-winning work finding the very first gene that causes the rare familial form of Alzheimer’s disease.
Skip to 1 minute and 36 seconds We’ll show how these insights from familial Alzheimer’s disease led to the design of new treatments with huge potential currently being trialled at UCL. The course is designed to be suitable for anybody and we hope it will be particularly interesting for those who interact with people with dementia as part of their work and those whose families and friends are affected as well as students with an interest in dementia. By the time you’ve completed the course we hope you’ll be able to apply your understanding of the different forms of dementia; symptoms, diagnosis, research and support to your personal and professional lives.
Skip to 2 minutes and 11 seconds So please sign up for this free 4 week course about dementia at UCL and learn from world leading experts, individuals, patients and their families and be part of the conversation about the challenge of our time, dementia.