Skip to 0 minutes and 11 seconds HELEN TRUBY: Humans have always used foods as medicine. Right from ancient times, across many cultures right up until now. Why is this and what is the evidence? At a time when we are being bombarded by messages about the health properties of food, of miracle foods and special diets. What’s a fact and what is fiction? Can we really use food as medicine? Hi, I’m Helen Truby. I’m head of nutrition and dietetics at Monash University in Australia. My team and I are here to explore the exciting area of food as medicine.
Skip to 0 minutes and 44 seconds DAVID KANNAR: So the role of food in preventative medicine is becoming increasingly important. Diet has long be known to promote health, and many chronic medical conditions can be helped by improving diet, changing lifestyle and increasing regular exercise. So, your mum was right. You are what you eat, and food has a strong influence on disease prevention.
Skip to 1 minute and 4 seconds SIMONE GIBSON: There’s a lot of evidence about food and how it affects our health and the evidence is changing. What we recommended twenty years ago has now evolved into new recommendations of what we suggest people eat today, and that’s likely to change again into the future as more evidence comes to light.
Skip to 1 minute and 20 seconds JANEANE DART: What is exciting to consider and what we’ll explore is how food is utilised as medicine in the twenty-first century. There are multiple examples of how foods have been used as medicine in the past, and I guess looking at different cultures and across different parts of the world. The literature from an arts perspective is really stemmed I guess from the French and the British began to write about food, and I think there’s a lot of unrecorded history of food and what’s happening now is the medical and scientific literature is beginning now, and those worlds are beginning to merge.
Skip to 1 minute and 53 seconds HELEN TRUBY: By the end of the course, we want you to be able to identify foods that are healthy and helpful to you and your family, and understand what foods may be used as medicine. So join us and learn about all the wonderful properties that food has and how you might be able to use it as medicine.