Skip to 0 minutes and 23 seconds Welcome to the very first course of international tourism management. My name is Hanqin Qiu, a distinguish professor and dean from the college of tourism and service management, at Nankai University in China. Globally, tourism has been one of the fastest growing industries. Contributing more that 10% of the global GDP. Every one out of the 11 jobs was created by the travel and tourism industry. In this course, named China’s Role in Global Tourism Development. The following tops will be covered, Global tourism development since the end of world war II in 1945, Tourism development in China since its open door policy in 1978. China’s Belt and Road Initiative, and its implications for the global tourism industry.
Skip to 1 minute and 20 seconds The sustainability of tourism development, and some current issues in tourism development globally. Each of these sections will be taught by me, together with few other leading professors and industry leaders in their respected field. Together, we will bring you the most update knowledge in global tourism development.
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