Skip to 0 minutes and 16 seconds Research ethics governs the standards of conducting scientific research. It is important for researchers to adhere to ethical principles in order to ensure the dignity, welfare and rights of research participants Research ethics has its origin in the World War II, during the Nuremberg’s Trial (also called the Doctor’s trial) where Nazi physicians were sentenced for performing inhumane medical experimentations on prisoners in concentration camps. Since then, research ethics particularly in the context of biomedical research has evolved rapidly. and this together with heightened society awareness about research, poses new ethical challenges and questions when it comes to conducting medical research. And that’s why it makes health research ethics even more important and interesting.
Skip to 1 minute and 8 seconds In this 3-week course, we will introduce you to the basic principles and key topics of health research ethics then bring you through a number of interesting case studies, activities and discussions to challenge you to apply what you have learnt. You will also be introduced to the roles of a research ethics committee and learn the practicalities of a research ethics review. This will be especially useful to students or new researchers who are preparing to make an ethics application. Whether you are a clinician, a researcher, or both, we hope that by the end of the course, you will feel more empowered to advocate for safe and ethical research in your field of practice. Come onboard and join us!