Skip to 0 minutes and 8 seconds I’m Alice Roberts. I’m a humanist and I’m President of Humanists UK. I’m also a biologist and anthropologist, and I’ve always been fascinated by human beings. Where do we come from? How did we get here? And what does it mean to be human? Humanists believes that the world is a natural place with no supernatural side. We believe human beings should have the freedom to shape our own lives in the here and now because we believe this is the only life we have. And we believe we have the responsibility to support others to live happy and flourishing lives as well. Well, that might tell us what humanists share but it still leaves many questions open.
Skip to 0 minutes and 51 seconds What do you humanists do with their lives? How do we find happiness and fulfillment? And in what ways do we try to support others? This course is your opportunity to meet many different people who describe themselves as humanists. You’ll learn about the questions, choices, challenges, and joys found in a humanist approach to life. We’ll share our experiences and our stories, and you’ll find out what it is that makes us tick. You’ll meet artists, scientists, and politicians, as well as humanist campaigners, celebrants, and pastoral carers. You’ll meet humanists from across the globe, learning what it means to be one of the millions of humanists living around the world today.
Skip to 1 minute and 35 seconds By investigating how different people live out their humanism, you’ll find out about the diverse ways in which humanism can be expressed and about the beliefs and values that unite us. Join us then for an opportunity to meet the people living humanist lives.