Skip to 0 minutes and 8 seconds I’m Peter Kinderman and I’m a professor of clinical psychology here at the University of Liverpool. I think there are much more elegant, much more intelligent ways of understanding mental health than the tired old nature or nurture or a bit of both sort of argument. I think things would be genuinely transformed if we understood how we make sense of the world.
Skip to 0 minutes and 30 seconds This course is called Beyond Nature and Nurture, a psychological model of mental health. What we’re going to do is expose people to some of the big debates about mental health, give people some of the key scientific papers describing how our biological health can affect our mental health and our emotions. We’re also going to expose people to some of the key scientific literature about how life events can impact on our mental health. And then I’m going to talk people through how psychologists integrate those findings and make sense of them.
Skip to 1 minute and 1 second We’re going to get people to look at things through a number of different perspectives to discuss those different viewpoints with each other on the course and then to try to find their own way of integrating the huge number of different perspectives that everybody has on mental health issues. It’s a six week course, we’ve designed it with about two to three hours work per week, hopefully by the end of the course people will at the very least, understand a little bit more about mental health issues. Hopefully, they’ll be able to start to put that to use in understanding how their own emotions work and maybe even get some insight into how to protect, and promote their own mental health.