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Skip to 0 minutes and 18 seconds I’m Dr Ricardo Codinhoto. I’m here to introduce you to the topic discussing our Modern Building Design course. We cannot continue designing buildings the way we used to. Modern life brings new challenges and designers are responsible for influencing the way we live our lives. Today, we have more specialisms in design and that requires a new approach to design management. A new profession is emerging, the design manager, playing a central role in the development of projects. Traditional ways of educating and training professionals have to adapt. It has to be integrated with the industry. It has to be delivered with more collaboration with industry. And that in itself brings new challenges.
Skip to 1 minute and 1 second Modern Building Design requires professionals that are able to develop research that informs design and construction. In our course, we discuss a few of the areas that our research teams have been working on to inform modern building design. We also discuss the challenges that humanity is facing. For instance, we discuss building resilience and the need for understanding water-sensitive design so that we can cope with rising sea levels. We also introduce the impacts of the energy crisis and strategies for creating low-carbon building design.
Skip to 1 minute and 35 seconds We will leave the classroom to go to the lab to explore how nanotechnology is changing the way we think about things, the way we develop better materials and the way that we can create new forms based on new technologies. In this digital era we discuss how building information modelling through technology is helping us to integrate huge amounts of disconnected processes, people and information. And how design can be better integrated from its inception. We also discuss how design can impact positively and negatively in our well-being. We will provide you a much broader view and understanding of sustainability and that is what model building design is, in our view. [THEME MUSIC]