Skip to 0 minutes and 8 seconds Anyone with an active Facebook, Twitter or other social media account makes decisions about how to present themselves online. Some have a vision of how they want to portray themselves to the world and create postings that reflect this. Others simply say and share exactly what’s on their mind. Every time we post a new status update picture, or share a link or story with our friends and followers, we are shaping the way in which others perceive us, both now and in the future. In this course, you will be able to think about who you want to be online. You’ll be given the opportunity to assess your online identity and to think about practical ways in which you can enhance it.
Skip to 0 minutes and 47 seconds Using case studies will also explore how our actions and activities can have positive and negative real world repercussions. Sign up now to discover how to make the most of your life online.