Skip to 0 minutes and 24 seconds DR.
Skip to 0 minutes and 24 seconds VICKY GOODYEAR: What is an outstanding physical education lesson? And what makes an outstanding physical education practitioner? This course is designed to help you deliver high quality physical education lessons, and reach the highest levels of professional standards and have the greatest impact on students’ learning in PE context.
Skip to 0 minutes and 46 seconds SPEAKER 2: An outstanding PE teacher is on a continuous learning journey. A journey where they continuously seek to learn, develop, and improve their practice.
Skip to 0 minutes and 59 seconds HAYLEY STEMP: An outstanding PE teacher must plan for developmentally appropriate learning journeys for all of their students’ needs. CPD is one of the most exciting opportunities when embark upon as teachers. We have the opportunity to collaborate with fellow colleagues, learning about new research and applying that research to our everyday learning and teaching. This course is designed by teachers for teachers, and so will have great impact on your everyday teaching.
Skip to 1 minute and 24 seconds LEIGH CHURCHWARD: An outstanding lesson is one that demonstrates rapid progress for all students. It will also cover a broad range of learning outcomes, such as physical, cognitive, social, affective. DR.
Skip to 1 minute and 34 seconds VICKY GOODYEAR: This course will draw on the latest evidence in research, policy, and practice. Key topics will include models-based practice, digital technologies, assessment, and a whole host of other things. The thing is that you can select the content that is right for you and your needs. During the course you’ll be positioned as an activator. An activator is someone who can design inclusive and effective learning experiences for their students. Based on the idea of activation, each week will have a different theme. You will diagnose learning, you will respond to students’ learning needs, and then you will evaluate the impact of your practice. Importantly, these are key characteristics of an outstanding practitioner.
Skip to 2 minutes and 16 seconds LEIGH CHURCHWARD: Engaging in professional development with the University of Birmingham has improved my own and my department’s practices. We’ve been supported in the use of models such as cooperative learning, TFfU, and sports education. Our people make rapid progress, and our lessons have been described as, “textbook outstanding.” Engaging in courses like these will improve out practices.
Skip to 2 minutes and 49 seconds SPEAKER 2: The beauty of this course is that you can learn from wherever you are around the world. The course is also relevant for whatever stage you are in your career. If you’re a trainee, a newly qualified teacher, an experienced teacher, a head of department or senior leader, this course will be relevant for you. DR.
Skip to 3 minutes and 5 seconds VICKY GOODYEAR: So this course is designed to be different and offer different things for different practitioners. We will push on whatever stage in your journey you are to becoming or sustaining your ability to be outstanding. So sign up for the first MOOC in physical education, and we look forward to seeing you online.