Skip to 0 minutes and 6 seconds PADDY UPTON: Sachin Tendulkar has more world records for runs scored than anyone in the history of the game. One of the reasons for this was his incredibly diligent and meticulous pre-game practise and preparation. On one occasion, I was surprised to watch him prepare for a one day international, but aimlessly hitting balls. Playing shots that he certainly wouldn’t be playing in the upcoming game. And to make matters worse, he did this for two solid hours. One question which puzzled me as coach was how could I help Sachin improve his performance. I decided to take a player centred approach to my work with him. What are the impacts on growing people and enhancing performance of player centred coaching?
Skip to 0 minutes and 53 seconds Hello, I’m paddy Upton from Deakin University. And in this free two week course, we’ll explore differences between coach centred and player centred coaching, investigate the differences between the art and the science of coaching, and discover player centred coaching principles to enhance player or team performance. Most importantly, you’ll produce your own plan to include players and their own development. A player centred approach sees the coach focus on the players needs and goals, and collaborating with players on how to create the best possible experience for them to achieve their goals.
Skip to 1 minute and 34 seconds Focusing on a player centred approach will explore how coaches can engage and collaborate with their players and teams on the thinking aspects of their game, specifically by helping them in reviewing past performances and planning for future performances. Join me on this course on player centred coaching.