Skip to 0 minutes and 17 seconds Can persons with mental illness or dementia provide informed consent for research? Should we exclude them from participating in research? How do we protect their human rights as research participants? Hi! I’m Dr Julia Patrick Engkasan from the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Universiti Malaya. I am a practising rehabilitation physician at the University Malaya Medical Centre. As an academician, I have been actively involved in research and teaching for many years. I head the Research Integrity and Ethics Unit at the Faculty of Medicine. I am also the programme coordinator of Master of Health Research Ethics or MOHRE. Welcome to this course.
Skip to 1 minute and 1 second In the next two weeks, you will learn about informed consent, decision-making capacity, and research ethics in persons with impaired decision-making capacity or DMC in short. This course will provide insights into ethical considerations when conducting a research involving this population. I will take you on a journey that will help you understand some of the key aspects of research ethics particularly informed consent, and learn how you can protect research participants who have impaired DMC. Throughout this course, you will be given articles to read, participate in various quizzes, and attend peer discussions to enable you understand this subject in a deeper manner. I hope you enjoy this course as much as we did in designing and creating it. Have fun learning!