Skip to 0 minutes and 22 seconds How do you feel about ageing? What choices are you making to stay happy, healthy, socially connected, and active as you age? Hello. I’m Professor Rose Anne Kenny, Director of Ageing Research at Trinity College Dublin and a physician at St. James’s Hospital here in Ireland. Within the next 15 years, there will be approximately 1.4 billion people over the age of 60. Too often, we focus on the burdens of ageing rather than the enormous benefits and bounty that this demography will bring. Over the next five weeks, I will be joined by leading researchers here at Trinity who are investigating many aspects of ageing. They will share their findings with you. Many of them will challenge your assumption of growing old.
Skip to 1 minute and 17 seconds For example, did you know that your perceptions of ageing influence your ageing process? Have you defined what successful ageing means for you? What is old age anyway? This free online course is for all adults who want strategies for managing their health, developing their skills, and staying involved in their communities. You will watch videos, read articles, take part in discussions, and share your experiences with a community of learners. Along with other participants, you will learn how to increase physical fitness, improve function, improve nutrition, nurture your relationships, and maintain brain health throughout the years. You will meet artists, volunteers, and inspirational achievers who are making a difference by following their dreams. The course highlights the diversity of ageing experiences.
Skip to 2 minutes and 23 seconds And by the end of this course, you should have tools and resources to better understand what successful ageing will mean for you.