Skip to 0 minutes and 6 seconds I’m Dr. Glenn Godenho. I’m a lecturer in Egyptology, here at the Department of Archaeology, Classics, and Egyptology in the University of Liverpool. So this course is really about looking at these three great superpowers; ancient Egypt, the Mitannians, and the Hittites, and how they struggle with each other to remain in the driving seat in the ancient Near East. The period we’re focusing on is just 300 years, between 1500 BCE and 1200 BCE. What we need to do is consider why these superpowers came into contact with each other in the way they did. And to do that, we’ll look at a fourth geographical area, Syria/Palestine. Alongside a basic history, we’ll present regular weekly slots that introduce a build on various themes.
Skip to 0 minutes and 51 seconds For example, we’ll look at how each of these areas communicated. In the first week, we’ll even show you how hieroglyphs work. We’ve got the ancient Near Eastern objects from our Garstang Museum of Archaeology, and from other important collections, too. We don’t simply want to show you these objects each week. We want you to engage with the evidence to think critically about them and to question archaeological interpretations. We have an expert from our politics department on hand to offer a modern perspective on the ancient events, so we can discuss the degree to which the present can illuminate the past.
Skip to 1 minute and 25 seconds So come and join us as we make sense of how the ancient cultures struggled with each other to become the greatest superpower of the ancient Near East.