Skip to 0 minutes and 10 seconds Before the first rivet was hammered, they knew that this bridge could take the load. Well before the very first takeoff run, they knew that this aircraft would fly. When you design anything, how do you know beforehand that it will work? Livelihoods depend on it. Lives do too. It’s an awesome responsibility. To meet it, you need to look at the world through engineers’ eyes. And to get engineers’ eyes, you need engineering mechanics. Engineering mechanics starts with physics– forces, equilibrium, acceleration, gravity. This helps you to understand the world. That’s Classical Mechanics. Engineers developed their own version to help them change the world, to help them design. That’s Engineering Mechanics. But for engineers, it’s more than that.
Skip to 1 minute and 11 seconds Engineering Mechanics is built into their souls. It colours everything they see around them. When they look at the bridge, they think forces and bending motion. They feel stresses and strains. When they see an aeroplane fly, they visualise the lift forces that defy gravity. With just a little mathematics, in this course you’ll learn some basic engineering mechanics. You’ll learn by experiments, analysis, and design. And you’ll start to see the world through engineers’ eyes. But be prepared. Once you’ve opened your engineers’ eyes, there’s no going back. Get ready for a life-changing experience.