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More Basic Elements by Example

A few more basic (and not-so-basic) elements of Haskell through comparison with other languages.

A few more basic (and not-so-basic) elements of Haskell through comparison with other languages. We will not go into detail on the Haskell constructs, just show the similarities with constructs from languages you may know.


In JavaScript functions typically are blocks of code:

 function roots(a,b,c) {
det2 = b*b-4*a*c;
det = sqrt(det2);
rootp = (-b + det)/a/2;
rootm = (-b - det)/a/2;
return [rootm,rootp]

In Haskell, we would write this function as follows:

 roots a b c = 
det2 = b*b-4*a*c;
det = sqrt(det2);
rootp = (-b + det)/a/2;
rootm = (-b - det)/a/2;

Note that the let ... in ... construct is an expression, so it returns a value. That’s why there is no need for a return keyword.


In Python we could write a function with a condition like this:

def max(x,y):
if x > y:
return x
return y

Of course Haskell also has an if-then construct:

 max x y = 
if x > y
then x
else y

Again the if ... then ... else ... construct is an expression, so it returns a value.

Case statement

Many languages provide a case statement for conditions with more than two choices. For example, Ruby provides a case expression:

 Red = 1
Blue = 2
Yellow = 3

color = set_color();
action = case color
when Red then action1()
when Blue then action2()
when Yellow then action3()

In Haskell, the case works and looks similar:

 data Color = Red | Blue | Yellow

color = set_color
action = case color of
Red -> action1
Blue -> action2
Yellow -> action3

Note however how we use the type as the value to decide on the case, where in other languages we need to define some kind of enumeration.


In Java and C++ there are generic data types (aka template types), such as:

 Map<String,Integer> set = new HashMap<String,Integer>();

In Haskell, you would write this as follows:

 set :: Data.Map.Map String Integer 
set = Data.Map.empty

The main difference is of course that set in Haskell is not an object but an immutable variable, so where in Java you would say:


In Haskell you would say:

 set' = Data.Map.insert "Answer" 42 set

Because in Haskell variables are immutable, the return value of the insert call is bound to a new variable rather than updating the variable in place as in Java.

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Functional Programming in Haskell: Supercharge Your Coding

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