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Nuclear Spin

We visit with Professor Kohei Itoh of Keio University to learn how the spin of individual electrons and nuclei in a material can be used as qubits.

An atom is composed of the atomic nucleus and the electrons in orbitals around it. Earlier, we saw how an electron can be used to create our quantum state variable. But there is another choice: using the atom’s nucleus. Keio University’s Kohei Itoh describes how we can use nuclear spin as a qubit.

You know that each electron has a spin, and the spin can be either aligned with the surrounding magnetic field, which we call spin up, or anti-aligned with it, which we call spin down. The nucleus of some types of atoms also has a spin. You probably know that the nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons. Besides charge and mass, these can give a nucleus a spin. For a given type of atom (say, carbon), the number of protons is fixed, but there may be several options for the number of neutrons. We call each of these variants an isotope. The rules for nuclei are complicated, but for certain isotopes of different elements, we have a simple, clean system that we can also use as a qubit.

Nuclear spins were actually one of the first types of qubits used experimentally. Lieven Vandersypen, then a graduate student at Stanford University, performed experiments using a liquid containing molecules with ordinary hydrogen ((^1)H) and isotopes of flourine ((^{19})F) and carbon ((^{13})C) as qubits. For solid-state systems, a lot of work has been done on phosphorus ((^{31})P), silicon ((^{29})Si), and carbon in diamond.

Control versus Isolation

For our quantum state variable, we want something that has two characteristics: one, we want it to be easy to control; and two, we want it to be well isolated from the environment, so that different kinds of noise, such as the radiation from wireless LANs and microwave ovens, doesn’t affect the state very much. When we build a device, we build a lot of shielding around it to protect it from those kinds of things.

Nuclear spins are actually already naturally protected. The electrons around the nucleus serve as a kind of shield, keeping the radio waves away from the nucleus. This makes it very hard to control, and very slow to act and measure. But the advantage is that we can keep the state exactly the way we want it for a long time, so nuclear spins can make good memories, for example, for quantum networks or long computations where some of the data isn’t used for a long time.

3-D Printing

If you would like to print your own copy of the 3-D model of silicon atoms shown in this video, you can use either of these two files:

  • STL file Most 3-D printing software will take this file for printing. You will probably want to adjust the scale to suit your printer. For your printer settings, we recommend printing this with a raft, but without support.
  • OpenSCAD file If you would like to modify the shape and are willing to do a little programming, this was created in a language called OpenSCAD.

The face that prints diagonally (the largest face) is known in crystallography terms as the (111) face. For silicon computer chips, this is the surface on top of which transistors are built.

If you would like a smaller model with fewer atoms, this one is a smaller cube, and includes a scale bar on the side that represents one nanometer at the scale of silicon.

  • STL file Most 3-D printing software will take this file for printing. You will probably want to adjust the scale to suit your printer. For your printer settings, we recommend printing this with a raft, but without support.
  • OpenSCAD file If you would like to modify the shape and are willing to do a little programming, this was created in a language called OpenSCAD.

By the way, diamond has the same crystal structure as pure silicon, though of course it is made of carbon atoms instead of silicon. The atoms are also packed more tightly in diamond.




実は量子ビットの実験に核スピンは初期から用いられてきました。スタンフォード大学でLieven Vandersypen 氏が開始し、今は大学院生が受け継いでいるチームでは、普通の水素((^1)H)とフッ素系の同位体((^{19})F)、炭素の同位体((^{13})C)が含まれた液体を用いて量子ビットを作る実験を行いました。他にもリン ((^{31})P)やケイ素((^{29})Si)、ダイヤモンドなどを用いた実験も行われています。






  • ほとんどの3-Dプリンティングソフトの場合STLファイルを利用できると思います。ご自身でサイズを調整してご利用ください。プリンターのセッティングの際はサポート材は使わずラフトを利用することをお勧めします。
  • もしご自身で整形したければ、OpenSCADファイルをご利用ください。



  • ほとんどの3-Dプリンティングソフトの場合STLファイルを利用できると思います。ご自身でサイズを調整しご利用ください。プリンターのセッティングの際はサポート材は使わずラフトを利用することをお勧めします。
  • もしご自身で整形したければ、OpenSCADファイルをご利用ください。


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Understanding Quantum Computers

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