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Re-defining the supply chain opportunity

Re-defining the supply chain opportunity

The need to move beyond supply chain as function, and embrace the end to end supply chain is critical if businesses want to realise their full potential.

Lora Cecere, also known as the Supply Chain Shaman, is a supply chain visionary who also understands software. It was our pleasure to welcome her to WMG as part of our Supply Chains in Practice (SCIP) networking event series.

It is interesting to reflect that many of the reasons that Lora identified as limiting the progress of the SC have been touched upon through this course, directly or indirectly. As we have discussed, SC is not a function, and something that needs to be considered in an end-to-end and holistic way. To do so requires organisations to have a coherent supply chain strategy; supported by measures that deliver a fair return to all along the chain, and are not limited to the performance of one company or department. As Lora rightly identifies, this is analogous to a heptathlete. They win, by being consistently good across a broad spectrum of sports rather than excelling in one.

Lora is inspired by the new technologies that have the potential to re-fine our supply chains. Cloud based applications, cognitive learning, visualisation, advanced data analytics, sentiment analysis and the internet of things, will come together to re-define the ways in wish buy and sell things, balancing demand and supply.

Personal travel is already being re-defined by the new business models of companies such as Uber and AirBnB. Their market mediating role connecting demand (for taxi’s and accommodation) with sources of supply, which were previously invisible. The art of effective supply chain management.

If you are interested in hearing more from Lora on the re-defining of the supply chain opportunity, please watch Lora’s full presentation to the WMG Supply Chains in Practice event on YouTube: Re-defining the supply chain opportunity (50:14)
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Supply Chains in Practice: How Things Get to You

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