How should society decide what their laws and rules are like? What should matter to these important social choices? This is what normative theory helps us explore. Normative statements make …
We saw in the last activity that one critique of command theory is that it can’t explain how the law presents itself as a reason for following it. H.L.A. Hart …
To wrap up our economic analysis of law week, we’ll see how the economic analyst might tackle a fundamental contract law issue, contrasting it with the ‘traditional’ way of tackling …
Neuroscience is often regarded as a field that can contribute to the development of law, especially criminal law. One focus is the insanity defence. The insanity defence is used to …
One critique of command theory comes from thinking about the difference between habit and reasons. Do we follow law just because we have a habit of doing so, or do …
What do you do when the law runs out? Jurisprudence is the study of the theory behind the law. You might wonder, ‘Why bother with the theory behind the law? …
These articles are from the online course:
Jurisprudence: Introduction to the Philosophy of Law