Renato Soares Balestra

Renato Soares Balestra

Location USA



  • @SarikiAbungwo Thank you very much for expend your time and knowledge with us.
    I really appreciate that and have learnt a lot.
    Reliable information that certainly will help me in my career.

  • Well, still studying and practicing everyday I think is the way to improve my knowledge about and overcome my deficits in this subject.
    Everything I've learnt is a kind of key once all these are connected and depending each other.

  • b. motor vehicles
    Leases in which a significant proportion of the risks and rewards of ownership are retained by the lessor are classified as operating leases.

    c. inventory
    Inventories are valued at the lower of cost and net realizable value.

    d. trade receivables
    Trade receivables are recognized initially at fair value,

  • What do the notes to the financial statements tell the user?
    It is telling the company is a public listed company, with its location in UK; the company's ordinary share is listed in London Stock Exchange; it also tells about the policies for these financial statements have been applied are prepared under the going concern basis and in accordance with...

  • Has the performance of the business improved since last year?
    Yes, when we considering the difference in terms of monetary values between one to other year that comes from operating activities, but especially that that comes from the profit from the period. It was a substantially difference from one year to other.

    Has the business grown since last...

  • 2017 2016

    i. The cash inflow from operating activities 49,370 26,782

    j. The net cash inflow from operating activities 43,888 24,330

    k. The net cash flow from investing activities ...

  • 2017 2016

    a. The gross profit 114,423 80,631

    b. The operating profit 38,323 16,860

    c. The profit for the period ...

  • The income statement is temporary and is under the accrual method to record all the business transactions while cash flow statement is focused in cash and how and why cash has changed over the accounting period.

  • 2017 2016

    the cash inflow from operating activities 1,824 1,436

    the net cash inflow from operating activities 2,123 1,134

    the net cash flow from financing activities ...

  • I got sort all values in the correct place, but definitely I need more practice once I forget record the values and their changes over the month.

  • The reasons could be an error in recording the business transactions and/or their values, or what sort the transaction of recorded.

    In the case it is in balance but still incorrect it could be due to an intentional threat to fraud this balance. On the other hand it could be due to an error in recording business transactions or their values as well.

  • the total of non-current assets (2017) 5,964

    the total of current assets 1,221

    the total equity 4,584

    the total non-current liabilities 1,536

    the total...

  • I've learned a lot of important things about accounting and how essential for all the society its financial statements be reliable and transparent in its information otherwise it can cause economic troubles that reverberate upon the whole world and make many people face hard times in their lives.

  • Under the accrual method all the transactions must be record when revenues are earning, but not received yet, and expenses occur, but not paid yet. I think, even it reflect the firm's transactions it can portrait a condition that cloud suffer drastic alterations while it creates high expectations as well, once that throughout the firm's financial statement its...

  • Well, it seems there are a lot of people interested in manipulate companies' financial statements (executives, owners, and shareholders). So, it's important to remember that all of us will be affected by their attitudes, including themselves, regarding to create false information about the company's economic growth even they having an apparently financial...

  • Enron's case was emblematic once it reverberated over the world economy affecting different countries bringing people to financial hardship which has took a long time to be fixed.
    In this case, the lack of honesty by the external auditor summed to company's total shortage of faithful representation in its financial statements having as its origin a...

  • Ambev Income Statement:

    Total Revenue: that are the total of sold product.
    Cost of Revenue: that are how much the company expended to sale its product.
    Gross Profit: that is the difference between the other items above.

    These are just some of the financial fields found out in this Income Statement.

  • Thank you, Sariki.

  • Financial accounting: Being responsible for make to work accounting and financial activities of an organization, he has, as some of his roles the followings:

    Preparing the monthly profit and loss, and balance sheet reports;
    Tax reporting and inventory processing;
    Collecting and analysing data, which is then used in the preparation of weekly and monthly...

  • Government: Governing bodies of the state, especially the tax authorities, are interested in an entity's financial information for taxation and regulatory purposes.

    Investors: Stockholders of corporations need financial information to help them make decisions on what to do with their investments.

    Banks: Lenders of funds such as banks, financial...

  • Accounting for me means organization, order, supportive information for decision-making, state of the art of a business or even a personal accountability.

  • Do financial statements always reflect the true financial position of a company?
    Unfortunately, by which we could read in the article and by which we know has happened to some big companies in the world financial statements are perfectly manipulated and we cannot trust in them totally.
    Though there are many different actions and initiatives to become...

  • First of all, I'd like to thank all of you and my partners in this course. I really appreciated your company over these weeks.
    I don't have any doubt this course helped me a lot to improve my knowledge about this subject and certainly to improve the form I'm writing not only academic essays, but especially that.
    So, thank you all for your time and for...

  • I think it's very important to keep both coherence and cohesive present in the text is to avoid to insert information that has few relation with the essay's subject, which can take the it out the thesis statement.

  • For me one of techniques I'm using when writing a essay is use not too much long paragraphs and in each one of them to express a complete thought that makes sense.

  • I do think without patterns to which follow there is no way to keep your essay in an organization format. So, audience will has difficult to understand your point and consequently, they will lose their interest on it. Furthermore, when writing whatever it is organizations is basic, much more in academic writings.

  • I agree with you obviously, a honest researcher is not plagiarizing intentionally, so I think it can happen especially if not enough attention was paid when revising that, because it is a very important part to do, when not recording immediately the sources, and/or unknowing the rules and patterns to do it.

  • I'm sure all those cited above are great steps to avoid plagiarism. Anyways, it's essential pay to much attention to what and how you're writing, if it's according to the rules and patterns stablished.

  • I think, at least for me, when writing any kind of writings that I use sources as references immediately to record where, when, and who was this source I've been citing, so I do not take the risk to forget that.
    In addition, to revise what was written help to avoid plagiarism, if you're just borrowing the idea of other author.

  • References
    Creswell, John W. Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches.

    Merriam, Sharan B. & Tisdell, Elizabeth J. Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation.

    Robinson , Sheila B.& Leonard, Kimberly Firth. Designing Quality Survey Questions.

    Ravitch, Sharon M. & Mittenfelner Carl, Nicole C. Qualitative Research:...

  • “One in ten toddlers is a strong-willed, spirited tyke, These “roller-coaster kids have highs and low lows. And when the sparks of daily stress mix with TNT of their explosive personalities…. KABOOM!” (Karp, 2008).

    Summarize: Some toddlers can react 'explosively' when in stressed situations. (Karp, 2008).

    Paraphrase: Around of 10% of toddlers, because...

  • Summarizing: this is so important to learn because it enables us to say what is essential and understandable using either just few words or sentences.

    Paraphrasing: this one shows, among other things, our understanding and knowledge the subject we're writing about using our own words.

    Quoting: this one is as important as the others above and gives...

  • Academically speaking, the analytic and the critical skills I think are essentials. In fact I can say these are necessary in every field, but especially in an University where people are supposed to be involved with researches in different areas of knowledge in order to propose solutions and/or questionings for our contemporary issues.
    As I'm graduated in...

  • When referring to the sources he's using in his writing, the writer use expression such as 'to be precise'; 'A study conducted by'. The writer also present in his own words what his sources are saying about this specific subject.
    Obviously, using such studies and researchers as his references' sources is to give credibility to his essay.

  • Alright, let's go to do it!!!

  • According to; Based on; As indicated by; has the potential to;
    is able to.

  • The text 'A' is too concise and doesn't provide any further credible reference to support its argument.
    On the other hand the text 'B' is full of supportive references such as "Research conduct by Yen (2005); "Yen's (2005) study involved learners aged 15-16 in the UK";

  • i don't know if somebody her would like to read this book mentioned above. If so I'll give you a link where those that desire to know about this subject can download the entire...

  • I think it's very interesting all them, especially when it is about to cite some author and what him has to say about that argument you're trying to refute or invalid.

  • I think when writing an essay it must to has credible supportive references such as researchers writings, statistics data, citations from sources that are admittedly trustworthy by the their competence, knowledge, and academic rigor.

  • Yes, I think this criteria is valid to evaluate arguments. I fact, can't conceive anything different of it as a valid criteria.

  • Google Scholar;; universities websites.

  • Certainly, nobody can, reasonably, logically, and sensibly claim for whatever it will be without sustain his arguments with credible facts, data, and scientific evidences.

  • In fact, we have to keep a logical sequence in our writings.

  • Yes, my thesis is argumentative, once it indicates we're living in Information and technology Age when internet has connected people around the world and many of them have smartphones to access the world web, so many companies are taking advantage of that to reach people with their products and/or service. However, many of those app are useful and mostly need...

  • The massive use of computers has potential to make disappear completely the hand-writes.

    To wake up early in the morning can increase substantially your lifetime.

  • I realize critical thinking as a divisor between humans and animals.
    So, though essential and present in a academic thought it's supposed to be inherent to all of us.

  • I see critical thinking as a form of evaluate determined situation and then to express an opinion about, based on what can be apprehended from that.
    This opinion is a personal point of view and has, necessarily to be analytical.

  • I'm sure all I have learned this week it's so great and useful not just my academic's goals, but for everything in my life as well.
    Thanks very much you all.

  • I think the concluding paragraph must be as long as necessary for the writer has enough argumentation to make clear what is the reasonable, logic and more suitable conclusion, based on what was presented in the body paragraph and, at the same time to give to the reader an clear idea about what was being proposed by the writer in his topics.
    Data, statistics,...

  • Before I try to respond the question about those approaches, I'd like to ask if it is possible those three options for a concluding paragraph could be used together, for seem me all those keep among them a kind of relation, once even summarizing the main arguments I think both of others are implied in the writing, for call reader to action, and to suggest...

  • “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”. It could be argued that in a uncertain environment it is better you have "a bird in your hand", yet depends on what are you looking for having just a bird in you hand can be not a better option, once two or maybe more in the bush have the potential to bring you different alternatives that when compared to this...

  • To be honest I can't imagine other kind of differences that may occur beside those mentioned above.

  • Aggressions against the environment has proven themselves highly retributive for the human beings, for those have changed the weather and global temperature around the world making life excessively hard for many people especially those whom are living in poor countries where agriculture is the basis for them survive, once that it depends on the good and...

  • College students are supposed to write research papers.
    College students are not supposed to write research papers.

    College students could write research papers.
    College students could not write research papers.

    College students would have to write research papers.
    College students would have not to write research papers.

  • Particularly I love writing even I having some troubles with a correct use of English language. As this video shows us it is crucial for a good understanding what is being said in the essay that the thesis statement be cohesive and makes sense in order to provide a positive contribution to the academic debate of ideas.

  • I think all of those approaches are interesting and play a essential role organizing ideas, thoughts, and theses that will help readers to better understand what it is about.

  • Living in a foreign country can sometimes be an unpleasant experience, as you will certainly have to face with different situations that you aren't used to because they're part of that country's culture, which is different from yours. For many it can be a bit of traumatic experience especially if they don't know exactly what to do or even what to say. However,...

  • I know there is a specific pattern for an academic essay as depicted above, so thinking this as a sandwich where the top and bottom parts are the introduction and conclusion, respectively, in the middle of those I'd fill with data, samples, examples, both writers citations on behalf my ideas and those are expressing different opinions.

  • I agree, especially when it comes to respecting our opponent's opinion. I think academic essays are a set of theories that are to prove that certain argument can either be or not true.

  • I'd like to raise a question to discussing about if is it possible that this unsuitability as argumentative of some topics could be relative once it seems to me possible and I'll give an example: To use a car to going to work is better than using a bike. In this case I think depends on which approach is being took as academic writing once we know car pollutes...

  • I realize that preferences are personals choices and certainly are reflecting the personal point of view, so it tend to convince people about something that someone has as true for himself.
    Facts are something nobody can contesting because the obvious reasons, so there is no how it be used as an academic writing.
    I think academic writings are related to...

  • I think my academic writing is not the best one, but at the same time, it is not the worst. Obviously, I know about my writing deficient skills, and am always trying do my best practicing every single day.
    My personal difficulties are first of all the lack of knowledge that I have about the exact grammatical structure of the language, so I'm still making...

  • I'm sure when writing an academic article, for instance, it should be specific in its approach, having a specific linguistic structure, and observing determined rules that are essentials for a good writing, as well.

  • I have chosen language improvements as my mainly goal in this course, but certainly all those are essentials not for me, but for all those that want really to improve their knowledge about English language.

  • Hi, everyone. My name is Renato, I'm from Brazil, but living right now in USA and it for 2,5 years ago. I already speak Spanish, and as many of you am struggling to overcome of difficulties of learn English and because that I am here. I wish the best for all of us, and let's go aheady enjoying this course.

  • Hi, everyone. My name is Renato, I'm from Brazil, but living right now in USA and it for 2,5 years ago. I already speak Spanish, and as many of you am struggling to overcome of difficulties of learn English and because that I am here. I wish the best for all of us, and let's go aheady enjoying this course.

  • I think it can produce a lot of informations, such as: stock controlling, what type of people are buying that item and why, in which period of (week, month or year) it is better to sell this item, is this either item And it’s price profitable or not for the business, income and payments controlling.

  • I think though those terms sound similar they’re actually complementary one to another and essentials to the financial reporting process.

  • I’m living in USA and I’m working in the stock market as an investor and trader. I hope this can help me better understand the foundation of accounting for my personal life.

  • I think individuals and small businesses should leave their own account to the professionals even though they have to have some knowledge about as well.

  • Thank you very much.

  • For me, particularly the most important thing I have learnt in this course is how essential for all of us to have a minimum of knowledge about how microorganisms, such as bacteria can become antibiotics resistant and the wide reach consequences for people around the world, and it brings along responsibility about how we are prescribing, and/or taking...

  • Taking into account that microorganism have a very quick time to reproduce themeselves I think 30' is a good time to get an accurate result of the bacterial infection test.
    We have different reality in different countries, so, even though it is thought to be affordable there are many countries that couldn't have a specific infrastructure or resources...

  • She has three challenges:
    1. The cost of acquisition of the genome sequencing machine;
    2. Training people to use this equipment;
    3. Developing expertise to analyse the genome sequencing data and report it back to clinical and people.
    I think maybe she and her team should to mobilize some segments of society in order to get donations to buy this genome...

  • The more I read about microorganisms' mutations skills, the more I am impressed, and the more I can see how important the dissemination of this kind of scientific knowledge for all people.

  • It's so very interesting how those kind of bacteria can survive to some antibiotics. They're doing that using their own specifics strategies as incredible microscopic smart beings.

  • There is a very known proverb that says: prevention is better than medication.
    So, even though antibiotics are essentials to treat infectious diseases it's equally essential taking about our immune system in order to avoid as long as possible the intake of antibiotics.

  • Hola, Cristina. Si es importante que lo hagan, pero hay que recordar también que debemos cuidar a nuestra salud para que microorganismos no nos dañen por estarmos con nuestra salud fragilizada y con muy baja inmunidad.

  • I will be talking about my origin country, which is Brazil: having as its base the World Health Organisation's AMR plan that rose in 2015 Brazil has developed a national action plan through Healthcare Ministry and National Healthcare Agency. This plan has 9 main goals to tackle the AMR issue: people's awareness campaign, and to enable healthcare workers, and...

  • I'm apologize if I seem repetitive, but once again we to verify that all of us as society are responsible, in some degree, for this situation. I think especially who is prescribing the antibiotic has the duty to inform how important that its use or dosing be done strictly according the doctor's orientation and the patient has an essential role in it as well,...

  • It's known that in the scientific method observation is a important procedure to verify the results of any scientific experiment, so it is not difficult to understand that anything we are doing is going to affect lives, animal, vegetable, and/or human either for better or worst.
    Fleming's speech portrait a reality which we are living currently and of which...

  • Sincerely I am enjoying through this course and getting a lot new and relevant based-evidence information.
    As I am not a healthcare work all those questions had a certain level of difficult for me, but the threes-first questions were more difficult because they require an analyse which I am not used to.

  • 1. Which patients are part of the outbreak? D; E.

    2. What wards are involved? 1; 3 and 4.

    3. Who is patient zero (the source of the outbreak)? Patient E

  • I think Catherine's research is very important to understand whether, in fact, there is transmission of E. coli from the animals to human, and according to her research there is a very little transmission. In addition, knowing the type of diseases caused by this bacteria certainly it is essential to take care how manage the hygiene or medication in my home or...

  • The more new technologies are available, the more cheaper the genome sequencing becomes. It's important to remember that it is a global effort and not a kind of private property of a small group of people or countries.
    In addition, it is equally necessary to remember that our actions are affecting directly the lives of other people around the world, so I...

  • 1. The outbreak was caused by food-borne transmission with the bacteria E. coli O104:H4.
    2. It's essential to identify the outbreak and to determine its route of spread and source of transmission, so in this specific case investigators used genomics to identify the microorganism and strain by serotyping, checking the source, then crowd sourcing genomics to...

  • All of those papers are talking about outbreak having as most likely source the bacteria E.coli O104:H4 found in some kinds of foods. In addition all of those articles are telling us how this bacteria caused an outbreak not only in Germany, but in other countries as well.

  • The world has no idea how much all of us are in debt with people like John Snow!!!

  • All the information in this article are so useful, but particularly I liked to know that it is enough just two cases, depends on the rare pathogens are involved in it, to be considered a epidemic.

  • Even though genome is a known terminology for me I must to admit that this first week was both challenging and enriching for me, especially because I am not a healthcare worker.
    Thanks Educators for providing us with such as accurate information about genome sequencing.

  • Interesting this software and how useful it is.

  • I am not sure whether there is one or more countries better placed to use genomics disease control, even though I know there are countries more developed than others, and with a material resources but nowadays the scientific community around the world is integrated and working together as a one specialized body, and if there are some kind insufficient resource...

  • Antibiotic resistance is a big challenge for the science and it's essential everyone of us be doing our part, avoiding the self-medication, to overcome it.

  • I am sure this is a great initiative from all of you. Thanks for sharing your scientific knowledge with us.

  • I am Renato, from Brazil, I have a Batchelor degree in Administration and my interest in this course it is because I think it's important to have a minimum knowledge about this subject when the world is going through for hard times in terms of disease and epidemiological control, and all of it keep a narrow and direct relation to all of us.

  • Hi everyone!!! My name is Renato, and I am from Brazil.

  • It is so very important knowing about how this part of our abdomen is working and what sort of disease it can develop.
    Thank you very much.

  • What Is a Stoma Bag and Why Do I Need One?
    A stoma bag may be needed after surgery of the colon, rectum, or bladder.
    A stoma bag may be needed after surgery of the colon, rectum, or bladder.
    If you need surgery to remove part or all of your large intestine (colon) and rectum or your bladder, you might need a stoma. This is a surgical opening in your belly...

  • As an adult, your stomach has a capacity of about 2.5 ounces when empty and relaxed. It can expand to hold about 1 quart of food.
    The organ has an average resting volume of about 50 ml (.01 gallon), but after a normal meal it expands to about 1 liter (0.26 gallon). If really pushed, the stomach can accommodate up to 4 liters (an entire gallon) of food....